Your Vote, Your Share: Ethical Democracy

Promote ethical democracy and share in the rewards. Your vote matters, and so do you.

Ethereum Powered, Community Focused, Transprent Voting Mechanism

Welcome to BitQuest, the quest for answers to life's big questions! Join us in exploring the most profound aspects of identity and worldview. Your vote matters, and so do you. Will you rise to the top or be a part of positive change in our quest for understanding?


How Does the Voting Process Work?

The voting process is straightforward. You can review the daily question, select your preferred option, and enter the required amount of ETH to cast your vote. Your choice is securely recorded on the blockchain.

What Is the Purpose of Cryptocurrency in Voting?

Cryptocurrency enhances the voting process by providing security, transparency, and rewards. It ensures the integrity of the votes and allows for equitable distribution of rewards.

How Are Rewards Distributed?

Rewards are distributed at the end of the day, with 90% of the collected ETH shared equally among wallets that voted for the majority option. Your reward is based on your participation.

How Is Transparency Ensured in the Voting System?

Transparency is a core feature. The blockchain technology we use ensures that all voting records are immutable and visible to all users, providing a high level of transparency and security.

What Sets Your Platform Apart from Traditional Voting Systems?

Our platform offers a unique blend of crypto-powered voting, transparency, and rewards. Unlike traditional systems, it empowers users to actively participate, be rewarded, and witness their impact in real-time.

"this is a remarkable force of empowerment and democratization. It holds the promise of amplifying voices & ensuring fair and transparent voting systems."

Why choose us?

Choose us for our cutting-edge technology that simplifies the complexities of voting and crypto. We're at the forefront of innovation, making participation easy and rewarding.

How It Works

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View Question

Every day, a new question is posted.

Review the daily question and understand the choices.


Vote with ETH

Select your preferred option.

Enter the required amount of ETH to cast your vote.


Vote Collection

Your ETH contribution is added to the central pool.

Watch as the pool grows with each vote.


Share Rewards

At the end of the day, 90% of the collected ETH is distributed.

Wallets that voted for the majority option share the rewards equally.

Contact Us

Curious to learn more, or have questions about BitQuest? Fill out the form below with your message, and we will be sure to get back as soon as possible.